viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010
Damon Albarn se pone hiperproductivo

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
Just For Fun: a look into Animal Collective's Sung Tongs

If you are the kind that just try to find deeper meaning, life solutions, a mirror where you can see your feelings reflected lying on the surface just be careful, cause this album may be an absolute incomprehensible and perhaps annoying experience, believe me, I have been there. But it is true one can sometimes loosen up, lay down, open ears and brain and then let this flowy music get inside your system and tickle your soul, just then to, and with great surprise, find yourself giggling, because this is what Animal Collective’s Sung Tongs does. But don’t get me wrong the music and the whole concept here is really far away from what you could call a posed style or an empty plastic package. This is very experimental, well-crafted music with a lot of soul, highly creative and to me extremely natural.
lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010
Pasta Experimental

A lo largo de la historia, muchas bandas dieron lugar a bandas paralelas conformadas por algunos de sus miembros -Hot Tuna o New Riders of The Purple Sage de Jefferson Airplane y The Grateful Dead, respectivamente-
Si bien muchas veces el producto no es el mejor, en muchos casos, como los mencionados, el material logrado no tiene nada que envidiarle a la alineación original.
Lo mismo ocurre con Moebius & Plank, conformado por Dieter Moebius y Konrad Plank, dúo proveniente de Cluster, una de las tantas genialidades musicales que tuvieron lugar en la Alemania de los años 70. Moebius es considerado el genio detrás de la banda y Plank fue un productor musical, gran responsable de dar a la escena musical alemana proyección internacional. Cabe mencionar la participación de Holger Czukay, de Can, en el bajo.
Royksopp -Senior: El reverso Ambient – Azul y negro sobre blanco

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
Songs From The Dust

At the end of the 70’s a revolutionary movement arose in the highlands of Peru. (the shining path) They were taking action in small towns and cities around the mountains causing a lot of damage and violence in those already forgotten lands. People in such places scared and in need of finding a more comfortable future, set on a journey towards the big richer cities in the coast. Masses found themselves looking to settle down in the surroundings of cities like Lima, in the desert. The so called “pueblos jovenes” were born and with it came an explosion in the city’s demography and a substantial social and cultural change.
los shapis,
musica peruana,
peruvian music,
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
The Swedish Secret
Jussi Björling is one of those diamonds in the rough side of an old coffin, which one thinks perhaps has been inconsequently overrated, like many others artists, by time and memory. But, as one lets this tenor's voice crack one's concrete mood, the now only listener will notice it's harder to swallow than before. There is something sordid in Björling (perhaps a reflection of his yet to come alcoholic requiem), but there is something poetic in all that is sordid.
Crowned at the Metropolitan Opera in New York as the “Swedish Caruso”, the Swedish tenor resembles somehow the stereotyped story of the musical genius. Debut at the age of four, with the Björling Quartet; professional debut at the Royal Swedish Opera at 19; and concert debut in Carnegie Hall at 25.
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010
Fleet Foxes o como hacer folk actual y que sea cojonudo

Éste es uno de esos grupos que tienen esa cosa tan difícil de obtener y que yo siempre exijo a un buen grupo: un sonido propio, indistinguible y original, es decir, que nada más escucharlos sepas por donde van los tiros. Cuando hablamos de Fleet Foxes hablamos de un grupo que es capaz de realizar mezclas fantásticas y que nos ofrece un encuentro entre un folk con sonidos casi medievales (recuerda por ejemplo bastante a Malicorne) con ritmos más cañeros e incluso indies pasando por partes “a capela” que son de lo más característico del grupo.
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